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 Radiohead - Hail to the thief

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   Posté le 09-01-2008 à 13:48:36   Voir le profil de fredchoucas-lmdb (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à fredchoucas-lmdb   

Radiohead - Hail to the thief

1 2 + 2 = 5
2 Sit down. Stand up.
3 Sail to the moon
4 Backdrifts
5 Go to sleep
6 Where I end and you begin
7 We suck Young Blood
8 The gloaming
9 There there
10 I will
11 A punchup at a wedding
12 Myxomatosis
13 Scatterbrain
14 A wolf at the door

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